inkyu & kang
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
@seo inkyu & @seo kang
tw homophobie & nsfw content
Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
don't you have better things to do with your life? like idk... writing your thesis? mess around with your gay friends?
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
I can multitask. Worry about yourself
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
And stop being so obsessed with my "gay friends" it's fucking weird
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
that's exactly what i'm doing, stay away from my friends, you're the obsessed one
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
Not my fault your desperate ass is trying to make friends with every single person you can get your hands on just to feel more legitimate. Every single person I interact with is bound to have fallen victim to your pathetic attempts at some point
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
Get off my back and stop being a fucking freak
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
lmao you're literally trying to get close to one of my football teammates. is that a coincidence? couldn't you have befriended, like, a member of the swim club or something?
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
but thank you i feel honored to be a 'fucking freak' according to the namsong psycho
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
Yeah it's a coincidence dipshit, not everything is about you
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
I happen to think he's hot and he happens to be on the football team. So why don't you just call me a slut and get it over with so you can go back to whatever the fuck it is you were doing instead of wasting my time?
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
well sorry to break it to you, but if saint were gay, i'd be the first to know. but go ahead take your shot, do whatever you want, i don't care
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
Oh so you're the patron saint of gay people now? Good to know
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
Explains a lot about you
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
we've been friends for years, i know him inside out.
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
oh yeah? and what does that explain? go on, finish your sentence
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