Le deal à ne pas rater :
Retour en stock du coffret Pokémon Zénith Suprême – ...
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inkyu & kang
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
@seo inkyu & @seo kang
tw homophobie & nsfw content
Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
yeah because it grosses me out. dont worry about my dick, it's being taken good care of, way better than you could. now stop projecting
envoyé :
Seo Kang
Seo Kang
I have nothing to project, I'm an open book. You on the other hand...
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
Take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror Inkyu, because you're completely obsessed with me
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
why would i be lmao, you're the one stalking me around campus and sending me weird messages
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
do you want an autograph or something
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
I admire how committed you are to being delusional
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
You don't even realize you're the one obsessing over my relationships
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
It's both entertaining and sad
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
yeah whatever
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Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
have fun with saint i guess
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Seo Kang
Seo Kang
You don't mean that but thanks, I will :)
envoyé :
Seo Kang
Seo Kang
envoyé :
Seo Inkyu
Seo Inkyu
Read 01:24 AM (il a balancé son tel contre son mur)
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